Sunday, September 11, 2011

The process of creat our website

First of all,creat a new folder on the desktop,and name it group website.
And then we use the photoshop to design a banner,choose a langkawi picture from google.
1.Use the photoshop to open it.Make it size to 876*200.

Tool:Image-Image size
reference: 1.banner

2.Type in some key words on the banner.change its colour and font style.
Click Flag of Create text deformation to change deformation

Tool: Horizontal Type Tool- Create text deformatio-flag

3.Save it to folder of website,name it banner.

4.Open dreamweaver.Creat a new site under desktop,name it and choose it path.

Tool: Site-Manage site-creat a new site

5.Creat a new html file,name it index.That is home page.
Collect some pictures from Google,keep it to floder.
Click Modification - Page Properties,on the backgroud image item,choose a picture.

Tool:Modification - Page Properties 
Reference: Background

6.Make a banner. Click Insert-table,column number:1,line number:1
Then adjust the table's size to 885*875.Put it on the top,and change to align center of its property.

7. Click inside of table,then click Insert-Image,choose the banner which we have created.
 Tool: Insert-Image

8.Make 4 banners.  Click Insert-table,column number:4,line number:1.
Then adjust the table's size to 900.Put it on the top,and change to align center of its property.

9.Sellect background to each table.On tables' property,we click background image,and choose a image.

10.Type Navigation text on each table.we have four navigation,it means we have 4 pages in our website,they are Home,Culture and History,Interesting activities,and Traffic.
Then adjust those text's colour,fonts,and size on the property.:)

11.Search a video about Langkawi from google,and download it.
Reference: langkawi video

12.Using another software to change the video's avi. to swf,and then put it in to folder.

13.Insert video. Click Insert-Media-flash.Choose the video.Make it align center on its property.

14.Save the home page as index.html in the group website folder.

15.Creat a new html file,and name it Culture and history.
Serch some pictures from google,and download it.
THen we do the same thing to design the banner,navigation and background in this page. 


 15.Content and photos. Click insert-table,make some tables.Then type content and insert images.

Reference:1.langkawi's culture 2.History

16.Save it in to the folder,and name it culture and history.

17. Creat a new html file,and name it Interesting activities.
Serch some pictures from google,and download it.
THen we do the same thing to design the banner,navigation in this page. But we change the background in the page.

Reference:background 2

18.Content and photos. Click insert-table,make some tables.Then type content and insert images.

Reference:1.activities1    2.activities2 

19.Save it in to folder,and name it interesting activities.

20.Last page is about traffic,how to go there and introduce restaurants,hotels in the island.
Creat a new html file,and name it Traffic.
Serch some pictures from google,and download it.
THen we do the same thing to design the banner,navigation in this page. But we change the background in the page.

21.Content and photos. Click insert-table,make some tables.Then type content and insert images.
Reference: 1. Hotel     2.FOOD

22. Those are processes of creat 4 pages,now we will link every page to each other.
On the navigation bar of Index.html,select “Home”, on its property,choose link to,then choose corresponding page-"index.html". Do same thing to every navigation bar,we have to make sure to link correct pages.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Design of GUI - Peng Xiang Nan

Description on the individual ideation of the link
As present idea and for the introduction for langkawi island is to present the history of 
theirs. Basically, I would use time line to describe how langkawi island came about, 
through this, a hope that viewer can know more about the langkawi island.

Objective of the link
The objective of this link is to let people know the traffic information of langkawi
 island. To get viewers to get to more interest with langkawi island so that 
information can be share among each other.
On the left hand side, there is a side bar, where it can link it to home, and all the 
various subtopics. on the right hand side, where it can link some video and process. 
In the middle, there will be attachment of various pictures or flash to show the
langkawi island . 
The main one will be clothing and then comes down to three links which is
 ‘flight ticket’, ‘hotel’, and ‘restaurant’. Below all of the sub links, there will
 be too more links for each of the sub links which is ‘gallery’ and ‘links’.